Our councils respond to HS2 approval: 'The wrong decision, not just for Bucks but for the entire country'

Buckinghamshire County Council Leader Martin TettBuckinghamshire County Council Leader Martin Tett
Buckinghamshire County Council Leader Martin Tett
A joint statement issued by Martin Tett and Angela Machpherson - the leaders of Buckinghamshire County Council and Aylesbury Vale District Council respectively, has slammed the government for approving HS2.

They issued the folllowing statement:

"We have consistently opposed this scheme for over ten years. This is not just on environmental grounds but most importantly because the business case has never stacked up and still doesn’t.

"The cost of HS2 has sky rocketed since it was originally proposed just as we predicted. The astronomic costs to the taxpayer would be far better spent on improving commuter lines into our major cities and linking our northern towns and cities as a key part of levelling up the country as promised by the Government.

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Head of Aylesbury Vale District Council, Angela MacphersonHead of Aylesbury Vale District Council, Angela Macpherson
Head of Aylesbury Vale District Council, Angela Macpherson

"The proposal in the leaked Oakervee Report to provide for a station in rural north Buckinghamshire is neither welcome nor wanted. We long ago argued that, if there were a station, it should be at Aylesbury to help existing residents - not one that would ruin the countryside."

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