Firefighters release Aylesbury deer stuck in railings

File photo, a muntjac deerFile photo, a muntjac deer
File photo, a muntjac deer
A deer in a pickle was the subject of a call out for Bucks Fire and Rescue Service yesterday.

A member of the public called to say that a muntjac had become trapped in railings in Thame Road.

Two fire trucks attended and crews used hydraulic spreaders to release the deer.

It is believed that the deer was unharmed by the incident.

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Muntjacs are a common sight in the Aylesbury Vale, and sadly are no stranger to a bit of trouble.

In January 2016 dark nights and cold weather were to blame when a whopping 14 deer in four days were admitted to Tiggywinkles wildlife hospital in Haddenham.

All survived thanks so specialist care at the world-leading hospital.